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Supply Library Update

Writer: Craft Cassie Craft Cassie

I've got some updates and future plans to share with you all! Since moving into our very own permanent physical location at Cherry Street Pier I have been putting in lots of time collecting, organizing, and preparing next steps for the Supply Library project- all while keeping up with regular workshops and events. And PHEW- let me tell you it's been a whirlwind of creativity and enrichment with lots of new and familiar faces. To recap some of the things we've been up to: -a printmaking workshop -stitch and bitch sessions -private clay lessons -stained glass tutorial -egg dyeing -artist openings

-a private sip and sketch -drink and draws

-vendor events

-WHYY interview And we also hosted the first Supply Swap in it's new home- Upstairs at Abyssinia! A reminder to all interested- I am always available for private lessons either one on one or with groups up to 10 at the Cherry Street Pier studio. In trying to keep the public events we host low or no cost I'm hoping to make up for costs in other ways. Which leads into the next big step in growing the Supply Library program:

A Kickstarter! We're gonna launch one. It's going to take time to get the details together and make a cute lil' video (you're going to LOVE it!) But in the meantime we want to continue to host affordable workshops and spread free craft supplies around Philadelphia. I'd like to place a large Supply Library at the Cherry Street Pier space that can live on the first floor and be accessible whenever the pier is open. I'm envisioning a large cabinet with glass front doors and separate shelves to keep things organized. I'm attaching a photo of a case I saw at Thunderbird Salvage that is PERFECT but it is also $450. If you think you have something similar that you would like to donate please reach out!

If you're interested in donating money towards the cost of us eventually purchasing something similar please send anything you can spare to @Cassie-Jones-19 through venmo, through Paypal. Thanks for supporting this endeavor! I'm confident that with a bit more planning and time we can have Supply Libraries accessible to everyone in Philly limits.



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